Our Font Policy - It's legal!

It is difficult to sell newspaper templates without being unethical in regards to fonts. In other words - it is illegal to include fonts in a newspaper template download unless they are free of copyright restrictions. Many fonts required in our templates are free and many are not. To that end, we do not want to infringe on Copyright issues regarding fonts - so we do not include copyrighted fonts for download in our templates. We do, however, provide a complete list of font download links with each download (either on the sales page or in the actual download) so that you can locate these fonts and download them legally. If you know that a font should be licensed, please, within reason, do get a license. One way to do this in a way that is practical and not going to break your bank, is to get a subscription to Skyfonts or Typekit. Both of these offer large font libraries at good prices. Unfortunately since it is illegal to include fonts, our templates require some font download work to get them working. It's unfortunate but it's the only legal option I have. I hate selling things that don't work right away. But I also want to encourage ethical behaviour. Please visit skyfonts.com or typekit.com to get a subscription. Thanks!

Ted Fuller
Founder of newspaperdesigners.com
Newspaper Templates for School, Work, & Play!